Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Yesterday evening the boys rode their bikes around.  I tried to get Austin to ride the Thomas the Train bike.  Gavin was able to use the pedals to ride it when he was Austin's age but Austin isn't quite getting it yet.  So he moved on to the firetruck.

The good thing is that Austin makes sure his fire truck is always clean.

This morning Austin worked on his pattern beads for a few minutes, but then he left us to go play by himself.

Gavin did more of the same-old-thing but when our bookwork was done we made fossil cookies, i.e. peanut butter cookies with a dinosaur footprint in them.  I whittled a dinosaur footprint into a potato to use as a stamp.  Austin really wanted to help us make the cookies so I broke down and let him.  Gavin spooned peanut butter into the measuring cup while Austin added sugar, brown sugar, flour and baking powder.  Then Gavin got to mix it together.  I dropped the cookies on the cookie sheet and Gavin used the potato stamp to make dinosaur footprints.  Here are the pictures!

While they were baking Gavin finished a dinosaur puzzle he had started this morning before school.

After lunch we ate our cookies for dessert.  Austin declared them, "very tasty" and Gavin agreed that they were delicious!

Here is what they looked like when they came out of the oven.

We didn't have time to read our dinosaur books this morning so we will have to read them tomorrow or Friday.

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