Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just a few pictures today.  We are continuing to enjoy Spring Break but haven't been able to do much because Adelaide has been super fussy this week.  I'm not sure what is going on with her but if she isn't sleeping or being held (and a baby carrier doesn't work) she's fussing at us.  So, we haven't gotten out much.  Here are a few pictures of Adelaide fussing today!

While she was screaming because I set her down, Austin read his Thomas the Train book, completely ignoring the noise.

Gavin and I have been reading this book before bed.  It's really detailed, I think it's a middle school level book, but he wanted to read it.  I am not enjoying it that much but he seems to be and can answer my questions when I ask him so I guess he's understanding all the details of the Middle Ages...because it is very detailed.  Today we read about how castles were built and defended.

We are trying to read this book at mealtimes if I can get Adelaide to sleep through mealtime.

We also got our family pictures back that we had taken a few weeks ago when Adelaide was three weeks old.  The family pictures didn't turn out to well but we got a couple nice ones of the boys and the pictures of Adelaide turned out cute.  Here are a few of them:

This is the same picture as above but in full color...I like them both!


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