Friday, March 2, 2012

The good news today is I taped my camera back together and now it works again as long as I don't take the tape off.  We were back into school again today...three out of five days isn't terrible, is it?  I feel like I need a clone but until science allows that to happen we may be a bit behind for a while.

Austin spent some time on his sink or float tray.  He loves this!

Then he worked on a dinosaur shadow matching worksheet.

And he is making a dinosaur colors book that reads like "Brown Bear, Brown Bear".

Gavin reviewed cursive letter 's'.

Then we started math.

Today we played a trading game.  I gave him some cards with different sets of cubes.  Some cards had 1 cube, some 10 cubes in a row, some 100 cubes in a square (10 rows of 10) and some with 1000 cubes.  It's kind of hard to explain but basically he had to trade with me to get the lowest number of cards.  So if he had 15 one cube cards, he traded ten of them for 1 ten row card so he had 5 one cube cards left.  Then if he had 12 ten cards he traded ten of them for 1 hundred card so he had two tens, or twenty, left.  Then he did the same with the hundreds and then showed the finally number using place value cards.

By this time Austin was just playing with dinosaurs.

He asked me to take this picture of him with his dinosaurs!

Since there aren't a lot of experiments relating to dinosaurs, we are working on a dinosaur lapbook and we will do some dinosaur crafts too.  Here is Gavin working on lapbook pieces.

We read about a stegosaurus so we measured out how long a stegosaurus could grow.  They are about as long as our living room and kitchen!

We read these books.

I have been working on an Easter basket for Adelaide.  We use the same baskets every year.  So I found this old Easter basket of mine from when I was a kid.  Cute...but I thought I could make it a little more fabulous!  So...

I added, what else, tulle!  Left over from Adelaide's ballerina bow holder.

And because that wasn't fabulous enough...I then added some pretty lacy ribbon!  Now this basket looks like it's for a little girl!!!

We did manage to finish Benjamin Franklin this week.

Now we are reading this book before bed.

We have our poem for the month too!  Here it is (we are a month too late but that's okay):

by Nancy Byrd Turner

He played by the river when he was young,
He raced with rabbits along the hills,
He fished for minnows, and climbed and swung,
And hooted back at the wippoorwills.
Strong and slender and tall he grew
And then, one morning, the bugles blew.

Over the hills, the summons came,
Over the river's shining rim.
He said that the bugles called his name,
He knew that his country needed him,
And he answered, "Coming!" and marched away
For many a night and many a day.

Perhaps when the marches were hot and long
He'd think of the river flowing by,
Or, camping under the winter sky,
Would hear the whippoorwill's far-off song.
Boy and soldier, in peace or strife,
He loved America all his life!

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