Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My camera officially died so I am now using Steven's camera.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera yesterday because for our dinosaur activity we shaped bread dough into a brontosaurus and baked it so we had dinosaur bread!  We ate it for lunch and it was very tasty!

We read these two books about dinosaurs.

Today Adelaide did what she does best...looked cute!  She is waking up more but I'm usually holding her when she's awake so I don't get as many pictures.  I've got to try and set her down more!  I did get her to nap in her crib both in the morning and afternoon today for the first time so I was able to get things done.  Progress!

Since it was 70 degrees out today, Adelaide wore a pretty little striped dress.

Yesterday in math Gavin and I played a place value trading game.  We had three numbers, like 3,452 and 2,195, etc. and we used the base 10 cards to lay out all of the ones in the three numbers, all of the tens, hundreds and thousands.  Then he counted up all the ones and traded as many 10s as he had for 1 ten card.  Then he counted all the ten cards and traded 10 ten cards for 1 hundreds card and the same for hundreds to thousands.  Today we did the same thing but talked about the fact that what we are doing by trading is adding the three numbers together.  We practiced with a couple more problems and then Gavin made up his own problem to solve.

We read these books today.  I am really trying to finish American Revolution this week!

This is a great picture book about the making of the Constitution.  Lots of great details in it but easy to understand and fun to read!
This book is about how Thomas Jefferson brought foods over from France after a visit.

At lunchtime, since it was so beautiful outside, we had a picnic.  How many shades of pink are in this next picture?

Good thing the hairband was white or everything would be pink!  Here are the boys eating their lunches.

Gavin likes to climb to the top of this rope!

Since I am now using Steven's camera I found some pictures I don't think he's posted.  Here is one of Gavin and Adelaide her first week home.

And here are some pictures of Adelaide's first bath...and the very helpful older brothers who were very interested in the process.

Yes, Austin is licking the tub in this picture...don't ask me why!

Taking a bath is hard work!

These are pictures of Adelaide sleeping last night in her pretty nightgown.

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