Thursday, March 1, 2012

I am still behind on blog posts!  We didn't do homeschool yesterday or today.  Yesterday we had family pictures taken and this morning we had some errands that needed to be done.  And, I dropped my camera and broke it!  Hopefully I can borrow Steven's camera.

This was Gavin on Tuesday night.  Looks like pictures you have seen before but this was a very special is the first time he picked up a book and started reading it just for fun!  He has pretended to read books for a long time but this time he was actually reading the words!

Adelaide looked very cute Tuesday evening in her monkey jammies.

She napped in her crib yesterday.  She makes me laugh because she is always so stretched out when she sleeps!

Today we had lunch at the playground.  Adelaide had been up the whole time we ran errands so she was rather tired by this time.

Austin was pretending to be a garbageman.

Austin has been telling me for the last couple of weeks he needs sunglasses and we thought maybe I could find some Thomas the Train sunglasses.   And what did we find at Target this morning...Thomas the Train sunglasses!  You can't really see Thomas in these pictures but Austin is very proud of his new sunglasses!

Love the hair in this picture!  He wanted to wear them at nap time but I wouldn't let him which caused much sadness and disappointment.

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