Saturday, March 17, 2012

Thursday Gavin and I helped do the craft in Austin's room at preschool so we just did reading and writing for homeschool.  Friday we finished up with math and history.  For math, Gavin reviewed four digit addition, money and telling time on a worksheet I made for him.  I think we will continue to do this for a few more days because I want to make sure he has it down.  Then he did a dinosaur graphing worksheet where he cut out squares and he put them on the correct place on a graph: A-1, A-2, etc. and the finished product made a picture of a dinosaur.

I'm not sure what this look is...I had asked him to smile...

Since Gavin was glueing, Austin got to put dinosaur stickers on a piece of paper.  He wasn't sure if it was quite as fun as glueing, but it kept him happy even though he still kind of wanted to glue.

Today we all wore our green for Saint Patrick's Day.  Here is Adelaide in her green polka dot jumpsuit!

Gavin was playing, what else?  Soldiers!

Austin was being slightly more productive helping Dad mow the yard.

We won two piano lessons at a silent auction for Gavin's school in the fall and Gavin finally had his first one on Friday.  He loved it!  He is practicing on his keyboard.  (He has homework to do.)

The boys played more soldiers when they came inside after it started raining.

We read these books Thursday and Friday.

Gavin actually read me this entire book!

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