Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This morning Austin played with his penguin counting felt board game.  We did a few numbers and then he fed the penguin the way he wanted too.

Then he worked on sink or float again.

Gavin is doing a lot of reading and handwriting.  He is currently working on his phonics charts and reading 'The Adventures of Frog and Toad'.  Since he is reading so well all the sudden the phonics books are too easy so we are reading early readers now.

Austin did a dinosaur patterns worksheet.  They were all simple ab,ab patterns.  I cut out the dinosaur answers for him last night so all he had to do was figure out what came next and glue it in the square at the end of the pattern.

Then he did a dinosaur 'which is different' worksheet.  I covered up the other questions so he wouldn't get confused as to which dinosaurs he was supposed to be looking at.

Gavin was working on phonic worksheets by now.

In math Gavin gave me all the equations that equal 9.

Then we did some simple addition problems but changed one of the numbers to five to make it easier to find the answer.  For example, 4+4 became 5+3.

Then we played Addition War to practice our new skill.

We read about dinosaur hunters today and how they try to determine what dinosaurs looked like and lived like.  Austin got to paint a dinosaur.

While Austin was painting, Gavin worked on his lapbook.  He looked at a skeleton of a dinosaur and drew what he thought it would look like.

Then he got to paint his dinosaur!

Here is the book we read.  It was kind of long so we only read the one book today.

We are reading a chapter book about George Rogers Clark at mealtimes.

And, daffodils are starting to bloom in our neighborhood so Gavin asked if we could start reading Daffodils by William Wordsworth again.  This was our poem last March and I was kind of surprised he remembered it.  So we have been reading the Washington poem each morning and then we read the Daffodils poem.  I really like this poem so I'm glad we get to read it again.  Here is a link to the poem if you would like to read it:

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