Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This morning in math Gavin worked on adding four-digit numbers with carrying!  He was able to use the base-10 cards we've been using the last week and now knows that trading is the same as carrying on paper!  I thought this would be a really hard concept for him but he caught on really quickly.  We only did half of the problems because they are time consuming so tomorrow we will work on the second half.

He read more in "The Adventures of Frog and Toad".

Then we went outside to enjoy another beautiful day!  I took a bunch of pictures of Adelaide.  I couldn't decide which was cutest so I just included them all so we may have a little Adelaide overload today.

I call this shot, "Ta-Da"!  It is very talented to be able to show off even when sleeping.

It's not easy being a star...

Meanwhile, Gavin was creating battle scenes in my flower bed.  This morning he almost started crying when I told him we were finishing American Revolution this week.  We will start Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clark and Thomas Jefferson/Louisiana Purchase next week (not all in next week but that's what's coming up).

We have been reading about Deborah Sampson this week and we finished the book this morning.

We read about Richard, a 10-year-old fife player in the American Revolution.  He was barely 13 when he was discharged from the army.  Thursday we will read more stories from this book - it's just a collection of short stories about different people.

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