Monday, March 26, 2012

This week is Spring Break so we are enjoying the beautiful weather!  Gavin has soccer camp every morning and today we have spent all afternoon playing in the backyard.

This weekend Austin learned how to use the pedals on his tricycle.  Of course now he wants to ride the tricycle on the trail since his big brother rides his bike on the trial.  It does have a handle on the back so we will see, maybe we will try it.

But now the boys are able to ride their bikes together!

Adelaide looked very pretty at church on Sunday wearing her ballerina dress.

Since Gavin was at soccer camp this morning, Austin and I played 'Thomas and Friends: Cargo Fun'.  It's a color recognition game.  We had lots of fun and played it several times.

Austin made train sounds every time he moved his train.

Then Austin just played with the trains.

Yesterday I started to switch out Austin's activities in the school room when I realized...there's no school this week, it's Spring Break!  Austin found a puzzle I set out for him.  The pieces are minature foam letters and I put the letters of his name out for him.  He really liked this since he is learning to recognize his name!

Adelaide had some tummy time this morning and was mesmorized by her Black on White book.

Then she spent time just looking around.

After all that excitement, she had to take a nap...outside!

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