Friday, November 13, 2009

Feathers on a Turkey

Gavin had the day off of school today and was very excited that he could play with Kaitlynn all day. However, he ended up hanging out with Gramma for a few hours so it wasn't exactly all day.

While Gavin was with Gramma, Kaitlynn glued feathers on a turkey. She really liked the pretty colors and feeling the feathers!

When Gavin got home he worked on Pilgrim numbers, counting the number of items the Pilgrim had packed on the ship. Then he decided what items the Pilgrims would have taken on the Mayflower, cut them out and glued them in the trunk.

Then, Gavin and Kaitlynn both worked on cornucopia crafts. Gavin made a cornucopia mosaic and Kaitlynn glued the fruits and veggies into her cornucopia. They both did a great job!

Kaitlynn danced around and vaccuumed the floors...

and then we went outside for a while and played soccer!

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