Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, but we've been busy! Monday Gavin, Austin and I put up the Christmas lights on the outside of the house since it was so beautiful outside. We turned them on for about five minutes Monday night to check them and make sure they looked okay and then turned them off. Starting tonight we get to turn them on every night!

Tuesday Gavin wasn't feeling well and we had a quiet day. Yesterday, Gavin cut out a turkey and glued it in front of it's feathers, then traced the feathers with a crayon.

Then he helped me bake a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. He used cookie cutters to cut maple leaves, oak leaves and acorns to decorate the top of the pies. They aren't as perfect as the pies I saw in the Williams Sanoma catalog, but they are still cute.

And, as an update to the Thanksgiving tree, here it is after a month of thankfulness.

Hopefully, Gavin will learn to be grateful for the things he has. It's not easy when you are three-years-old, but the hope is eventually it will kick in!

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