Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Afternoon

This afternoon we played outside. Kaitlynn and Austin watched the deck get taken off a house a couple houses down from us. It was very exciting!

Kaitlynn saw a big flock of birds fly over us.

Then she danced to the music Austin was playing on his exersaucer.
Then she tried to help him hold onto his teether.

Finally, Gavin came home from Gramma's house. Kaitlynn and Gavin played 'football' and ran around the yard for a while. Kaitlynn discovered Gavin's tractor so they took turns pushing it.

Then we came inside, ate dinner (except for Gavin, who apparently ate too much pizza at Gramma's house and wasn't hungry enough to eat dinner), and played in the playroom.

Gavin and I also finished Magic Tree House: Thanksgiving on Thursday. Gavin really likes this series.

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