Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pilgrim Mouse and Indian Corn

Yesterday, Dad had the day off of work which was nice. Gavin still had preschool though. When Gavin got home he worked on a Thanksgiving patterns activity and did a maze to help an Indian get to his corn.

Then we tried an Indian corn craft, but it didn't go well. He was supposed to use the hole puncher to punch orange, yellow and brown construction paper and then glue the circles onto his corn. Unfortunately, the hole puncher was too big for his hand and he was having trouble squeezing them enough to punch a hole in the paper. I wonder why they don't make child-sized hole punchers? Anyway, gluing dots onto the paper wasn't that fun so we ended up abandoning the project. I was kind of disappointed because I thought he'd really like using the hole puncher. Maybe next year...

But, our afternoon brightened after we made some pumpkin spice cookies with chocolate chips. They turned out very yummy!

Today, Austin had to go to the doctor for more! He took it well though, especially considering it was his nap time. He weighs 17 lbs 4 ounces now and is 27 1/4 inches tall (exactly one inch since his appointment two months ago). So now he is 50% in weight and 75% in height.

Gavin worked on a Pilgrim mouse project that went much better than our art project yesterday.

Then he matched the Thanksgiving words to their pictures.

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