Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Day

Austin was very excited to be celebrating Thanksgiving today. He wore the same onesie his big brother wore on his first Thanksgiving. There's a little matching turkey hat that goes with it, and I found it in a box a few weeks ago, and I looked and looked for it this week and couldn't find it anywhere. I'm sure it will turn up tomorrow.

Here is dad and the boys hanging out before lunch.

Gavin was ready to eat as soon as I started putting food on the table and was thrilled when the food was piled on his plate. We had turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato souffle, green beans, fruit salad, stuffing (I made it in the slower cooker), cranberry sauce, biscuits, apple pie and pumpkin pie. Austin didn't get any today, but I think I'll give him some sweet potatoes and maybe mashed potatoes this week.

Than dad took a nap while I finished getting the Christmas decorations outside. Now we are watching the Cowboys beat the Raiders, Gavin has his Cowboys uniform on and is playing along with the team and dad is hanging out with Austin.

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