Then we did Pilgrim and Indian tic tac toe. I wasn't going to do this project with him because I didn't think he'd understand how to play but at the last minute I decided to go ahead and try it. Gavin did pretty well. After a few games he started to catch on but he's not great at planning his next move. He was too busy trying block me from getting three in a row that he couldn't pay attention as far as getting three in a row himself.
Finally, we made a Pilgrim hat.
Then Gavin took a break and played football. He's rediscovered his football uniform and has worn it the last two days.
Austin decided he would like to start playing with Gavin's knights too. Gavin tried to explain that they weren't for chewing but Austin, in true little brother style, wasn't listening.
This evening Gavin wanted to try out the new file folder games that I finally finished. The first one is just a number matching 1-15. It's just like the football/field goal file folder but this one has squirrels and acorns for fall. I should have finished it two months ago, but it's still fall so I guess I'm not too late!
Then we did turkey rhyming. It's all pictures so it's good for pre-readers. You put a card on the turkey and find pictures on feather with rhyming words and put the feathers on the turkey.
I have been looking for games to help Gavin build on his letter knowledge. I'm not sure how to bridge the recognizing letters and knowing their sounds but not yet reading. So I found these two games that may help. The first one lets him put words into their word families, for example, pan and can in the 'an' family. He did a good job and seemed to get it.
The second one has him put a two or three letter word on a ship, and then he puts the same letters in the trunk below the ship. He really liked this game and played for quite a while. I think it was his favorite new game.
That was our day other than laundry and mopping the floors thanks to the rain and muddy dogs. We had a ton of birds in our yard too and had fun watching them hop around the grass. Austin has his first cold. His nose is running and he's coughing a little bit but still in a good mood when he's awake. Right now it's fairly mild. Hopefully he'll be able to fight it off and it won't get any worse.
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