Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Weekend

Saturday morning Gavin and Austin helped me make blueberry pancakes for breakfast before Gavin went to soccer practice.

This morning we went to church. This was our second week and Gavin loves his class. I'm not sure what they do with the kids but he asked every day this week if it was time to go to church again. Here's a picture of Austin in his church outfit this morning. He looked very cute in his tractor vest.

This afternoon, Gavin and Dad worked on the yard. Dad got all the gutters cleaned out and tore out the overgrown plants in front of our house. It looks so much better even without new plants put it. We did put up some scarecrows and little geese statues dressed like pilgrims (Steven loves the geese!).

Gavin found lots of worms and even a toad! It's hard to see, but it's in his hand.

Austin spent his time supervising everyone!

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