Sunday, November 1, 2009


We all had a wonderful Halloween this year! If you saw the post about Gavin's Halloween party then you know Gavin was a knight and Austin was a giraffe. Every year we go trick or treating with our friends Brian and Missy and their son Riley and Jason and Kelly and their daughter Zoie. This was our third year together. Riley always goes on ahead (he's older) and Zoie and Gavin trick or treat together, they are just a couple months apart in age. Every year Gavin and Zoie hold hands as they walk from house to house! It's the cutest thing! It started a couple years ago when they were scared of some of the older kids costumes and each year it has continued. What's really funny is that Zoie totally pulls Gavin along and tells him what to do while they are walking along. Gavin just does his best to keep up and does what she tells him too!

This was the first year that Zoie and Gavin knew what to do without being told or walked up to people's houses. In fact, the last two years it took well over an hour to go up and down the street and this year they made it in 30 minutes! They're catching on.

As they left each house Zoie would say, "Thank you" and Gavin would say, "Have a nice day!" Then they knocked on a door and no one answered. Gavin turned around and said, "That stinks!" and when he got back to the sidewalk he exclaimed, "That's ridiculous!" like his bag wasn't already full of candy!

Austin did well for his first Halloween. He stayed awake the whole time and watched his brother just as patiently as can be. I was trying to keep him tucked in under the blanket but he kept bringing his hands out to hold the top of the blanket. Next year he'll be going door to door too!

Our group has turned into quite the little caravan as Brian and Missy just had a little girl earlier in the month, Jason and Kelly had a little girl last November and of course we had Austin this year as well. So we managed to double the number of kids in one year! Hopefully that won't happen again!

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