Monday, November 16, 2009

Thanksgiving Lapbook

Today, Gavin and I started working on a Thanksgiving Lapbook. It went well since we've been reading about Pilgrims for the last two weeks. I forgot to take pictures while he was working on it but he was all about taking pictures of the finished product! We started with the 5 W's. He glued the answer inside the paper so you can lift the flap and see the answer underneath.

He knew all the answers except for the year 1620.

Then he worked on more questions that the answer was either Indian or Pilgrim. He figured out the answer and then glued the answer inside the box so it popped up. I just explained it really poorly but here are pictures.

His hand is covering the picture of the Indian.

There were 12 of these questions and he knew all the answers. He really liked this activity! We will be working on the lapbook for the next week and then we will glue all the components into file folders to make the book.

You might remember that last week Gavin did the Pilgrim paper piecing and he painted them on the Mayflower, well today he worked on the Indians.

Austin slept all day. I don't think he was up for six hours! He's coming down with a cold so I don't know if he just wasn't feeling well or he's growing or what. He was happy while his was awake.

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